Extraits d’un rapport de l’I.H.F. concernant la France

Extraits d’un rapport de l’I.H.F.
(International Human rights Federation-
Fédération Internationale Helsinki des Droits de l’Homme)
Concernant la France

IHF FOCUS: rule of law; fair trial and detainees’ rights; torture, ill-treatment and police misconduct; conditions in prisons and detention facilities; religious intolerance; women’s rights; asylum seekers and immigrants; international humanitarian law.
Conditions in Prisons and Detention

By May, the Breton Alain Solé, held at the prison of Fresnes, had gone on two hunger strikes and attempted suicide since his imprisonment in October 1999. Secours Breton’ (‘Breton Aid’, an NGO aiding the families 0f Breton political prisoners) attributed this to the inadequate health care afforded to him and his deteriorating state of health since incarceration Mr Solé suffers from chronic diabetes. His initial detention at the short-stay prison of Villepinte was characterized by irregular monitoring and control of his health with reportedly a lack of insulin readily available. After his suicide attempt, he was moved to the Fresnes prison situated doser to the penitentiary hospital, yet was only attended medicaliy one month after his arrivai and did flot have personal access to his medication which must rnstead be collected from the prison nurse after queuing with ail the other prison patients.°


In July the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Ireatment or Punishment (CPT) published its report on findings made in France from 14-26 May 2000. The delegation visited prisons, police and gendarmerie establishments, holding facilities of the customs administration and health establishments The Comrnittee welcomed the Government’s efforts to ameliorate conditions in prisons, yet found varying degrees of material conditions and called for efforts to be pursued vigorously throughout the prison system. It also demanded additional medical care and the application of recommendations issued by the national Committee for the Evaluation of the Suicide Programme (Comité National d’Eva/uation du Programme de Suicides).

Medical conditions at Fresnes prison hospital were particularly highlighted as a grave concern to be immediately rectified. Serious reservationS were also expressed about the isolation of detainees for administrative reasons.

The report also expressed concern over detention facilities et a number of police stations where there was often a lack of food, water and mattresses, thus flot only depriving detainees of basic human rights but eisa prejudicing those who thereatter have ta stand in court undernourished and lacking sleep.’
